Monday, February 22, 2010
Day & Nite Cleaners Building – Stages 1-5
So, here are the phases I went through with this painting up to now. We’re getting close to completion and will allow this to sit on the easel to study it for awhile before touching it again. (Always a good habit so as not to quickly overwork something.)
Despite some of my "wonky" photos of the painting while on the easel, you’ll get the general idea of the various phases.
Some insight – I’ve used Cerulean Blue, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Yellow Light, a little Azo Yellow Deep, Titanium White and some neutral grey for these mixes. I like this odd mix as it creates some subdued pastel colors.
I saw this morning light as cool and thus created warmer shadows. That’s why I chose Cerulean and Cad Red Light to create the greyed, purplish shadow colors. I like all these colors against that Transparent Red Oxide underpainting.
Here’s a fun animated gif showing the progress up to now.
Gif maker