I have no clue how long this has been available, but go to wwww.LowesRealtorBenefits.com and set up your profile. It requires your NRDS number. You can upload your personal photo, company logo and contact information.
Sadly, it doesn’t appear that you can import your entire database, so I’m going to try to enter ten per day. You have the option of sending a FREE (did I mention FREE) 4-page phamplet to your client with a 10% off coupon from Lowe’s. I’m going to start off sending to listed clients who need to paint or decorate, and ESPECIALLY to those clients almost ready to list but need to clean or make improvements. Then move to Buyers who plan to do some home improvements after their purchase.
I’ve seen the brochure and it has the associate or agent’s name pampered all over it, and it’s very nice quality. Also, we can purchase gift cards for closing gifts at either 5% or 10% off.
Although they are just now making e-mail flyers available versus postal, I think I’m going to stick with postal. They’re less likely to throw it away if they see my face, and e-mail might go to their spam folder.
So, check it out. Another hidden secret of the benefits we pay for!