Support local businesses. Spend your money in Tulsa. SHOP TULSA.
Scott Smith, owner of the BlueJackelope Grocery & Coffee in Crosbie Heights, says that money spent with a locally owned business tends to circulate through the local economy 8 times, whereas a national retailer culls that cash within 3 circulations. Makes sense to me.

If I buy my housewarming gifts from Lisa Regan at Garden Deva, she pays her employees out of that money. Then they pay their utility bills and buy their groceries out of that, which helps us employ our PSO workers and our local grocers.
My Economics professor explained to a bunch of first-year college students about taxation, and he explained it so we could understand it. “We all want safe roads and bridges to drive on, we want policeman and firemen to protect us and we want good schools for our children. We all chip in for these things, and it’s called taxation.”
I ran across this web site the other day called “Shop Tulsa.” Sole purpose of the site is to stress the importance of shopping in Tulsa and to provide an online resource to help us connect with Tulsa’s stores and products. “The push to shop locally is more than a passing social movement – it is vitally important to the health and growth of our community.”
Shop Tulsa from Shop Tulsa on Vimeo.
Support local businesses. Spend your money in Tulsa. SHOP TULSA.
I love to support locally-owned businesses and blog about them as often as I find time. Check out the awesome video above, also on the ShopTulsa web site. And, remember to SHOP TULSA!
PAY BACK PARTY: Shop Tulsa is sponsoring a Black Friday party at the Blue Dome Diner downtown from 8-11 pm. Bring your receipts from November 26th for $50 or more from a retailer in Tulsa City limits, and you will be entered into a drawing. There are over $10,000 worth of prizes and free music.