Things Real Estate Professionals must RENEW daily – Proof that I can blog about Anything!!
Friends who know me know that I love to blog and I’m very competitive. Tonight, I jumped on my fav real estate network, Active Rain, to pick up tips and see what fellow “Rainers” were blogging about.
Wouldn’t you know I would find a CONTEST which offered POINTS, which of course brought out the best of my competitive nature. And the subject of the contest introduced by Charles Buell, Seattle Home Inspector is . . . “Proof that I can blog about anything!” Charles instructed us to find something under our kitchen sink and blog about it.
Did I mention that the contest was introduced two weeks ago, but the publishing deadline is midnight TONIGHT?
Of course I grabbed my camera and headed to the kitchen sink. What else would a competitive blogger do?
The catch is that we must blog about the item under the kitchen sink as it relates to our profession. What kind of challenge/contest would not have a catch?
Now, you know that my first decision was WHICH kitchen sink to look under – my husband’s double-barrel sink used for washing dishes (or not) or my large, deep kitchen sink used for vegetable cleaning and preparation.
Things Real Estate Professionals must RENEW daily – Proof that I can blog about Anything!!
So, the item under my kitchen sink that I’m going to blog about is “RENEW Floor Cleaner.” (Note that the bottle is full, which indicates how my kitchen floor may look.)
Daily, I RENEW my commitment to provide professional, personable and ethical real estate services. My career depends on the level of service I offer. Each day, I visit blogs and valuable sources to learn the latest news in the real estate industry to RENEW my level of education and awareness. Without current knowledge, I can’t provide my clients with the high level of service for which I want to be known.
Technology moves quickly in any industry, so I am always searching to RENEW my comprehension of the latest tools and trends to best serve my clients. Hopefully each day, I take time to RENEW my dedication to my husband, family and spiritual life, because without these things, nothing else matters.
Interestingly enough, the RENEW Floor Cleaner was next to the Clorox Wipes, which reminds me to clean up after myself and leave the world just a little nicer than I found it.
There you have it. Here is proof that I CAN blog about anything!!
In all seriousness, I am looking for Renew Floor Cleaner———is the best floor cleaner I have ever used. I found it initially at Dollar Tree, used it for years, and now they do not carry it and cannot find anyone who does. My “google” brought me here, though it also took me to PineGlo, the distributor, who sells it wholesale “by the pallet.” Apparently someone buys it wholesale from them——WHO? Where did you buy YOUR Renew? Thanks–June
June, I think my housekeeper brought it over. I’ll check with her and get back to you.