Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Tulsa Fire Alarm Building – Work in Progress Phases 2-4
As promised, here are the phases of my WIP – and David correctly identified the building as the Tulsa Fire Alarm Building. Once the painting is completed I’ll add more details about the history of the building, its architect, etc.
At this point you can see that I just start blocking in large areas of color and working up to more detail. Lots of adjusting, stepping back, looking to see how the composition’s working are a constant part of the process. I begin with fairly thin layers and work up to more thickness. I’d like to keep the thickest layers up in the frieze section as well as the most detail. I can see at this phase that I’m going to adjust the steps area to a lighter value as the contrast is much too intense for my liking. I do however like the switch over to a more purplish blue coloration. Earlier phases: